Tag: dysautonomia


Do you live with POTS but struggle to get enough salt in your diet? I adore salty snacks & adding lots of salt to my food but I know many people who can think of nothing worse. If, like me, you have POTS or… Continue Reading “Vitassium”

My POTS Survival Kit: Dysautonomia Awareness Month

After my successful EDS Survival Kit post some time ago I’ve been meaning to write one for POTS and just never got around to it! Dysautonomia awareness month seemed like the perfect time. A lot of these tips relate to keeping cool as heat… Continue Reading “My POTS Survival Kit: Dysautonomia Awareness Month”

Dysautonomia Awareness Month & Recent Vlogs

Dysautonomia Awareness Month may be over but Dysautonomia is something people have to live with every day of the year. I made a video last month with 4 other lovely ladies who were all brave enough to share their story about Living with POTS.… Continue Reading “Dysautonomia Awareness Month & Recent Vlogs”

What is POTS?

New Video all about Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) which also shows you how to do a poor man’s tilt table test. You can subscribe to my youtube channel Here. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txH9mPQ1I7A]

My Invisible Journey

Wow, it’s been a while! My excuse for not having posted anything in such a long time was going to be that I haven’t been very well, but , of course, that’s a bit of a rubbish excuse, seen as, I wouldn’t have ever… Continue Reading “My Invisible Journey”