Tag: christmas

Chronic Illness Holiday Gift Guide

The Holidays are coming and the Black Friday deals have already begun and for me that means it’s time to get my Christmas Shopping sorted! So whether you’re a spoonie writing your wishlist or looking for a great gift for a chronically ill loved… Continue Reading “Chronic Illness Holiday Gift Guide”

Spoonie Holiday Gift Guide

On a normal year I would normally not even have started my holiday shopping yet and I would be a complete Scrooge to anyone I came across playing holiday music or who had put their Christmas tree up already. Maybe it’s because I have… Continue Reading “Spoonie Holiday Gift Guide”

Spoonie Vlogmas!

Happy December Everyone Sorry I’ve been super quiet on here but a lot has been going on! If you’ve missed it you can see what I’ve been getting up to every day throughout December over on my Youtube channel where this year I’ve got… Continue Reading “Spoonie Vlogmas!”

Two Thousand & Sixteen

Firstly, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Santa got them everything they asked for…and if he didn’t you managed to pick it up in the sales! I had a lovely Christmas at my Nan & Granddad’s playing games, opening gifts and eating way… Continue Reading “Two Thousand & Sixteen”

Spoons for Christmas Please!

This is the 4th time I’ve sat down to try to write and finish this blog post! This has been a ridiculously busy time for me coming up for christmas, as it is for everyone, but I did all my christmas shopping, cards and… Continue Reading “Spoons for Christmas Please!”

7 things to put on your Christmas list if you’re new to POTS.

Last Christmas my Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) was at its worst. (Not that I even knew what POTS was at that point let alone that I had it.) I knew I had something wrong with me I was so dizzy all the time… Continue Reading “7 things to put on your Christmas list if you’re new to POTS.”