Eurovision NEEDS Pizza || Mark 2

So I realised today, as I prepare myself for another night enjoying Graham Norton making fun of Europe…and probably Australia for the first time since Brexit (i.e we will get even less points than usual), that is has been a whole year since I started this blog! That was right back at the start of my gluten free, dairy free, sugar free journey and since then I have learnt a huge amount about the food I eat and vastly improved my recipes! I’ve also got a little lazy, well realistic, as I have not attempted to make mt own pizza base since. So I thought I would do an updated version for you and get out the old Eurovision playlist out so you can sing along and get prepared for my favourite guilty pleasure.


In terms of a pizza base I used to use Tesco free from Pizza base but I’m not sure they do them anymore. Since then I have found Schar pizza bases which are gluten free and vegan. Like most gluten free products they do crack a little as they cook but they are really tasty.

Here is a much better recipe for a tomato sauce to to the pizza base:

  • 1tsp garam massala
  • 2tsp smoked paprika
  • 1tsp basil or italian herbs
  • 4tbsp tomato puree
  • 1tsp tamari
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1tsp lemon juice
  • salt & pepper

It’s so simple just put all that in a bowl and mix it into a smooth paste and spread over your pizza base.


I still sometimes top my pizza with nutritional yeast but most of the time I now use Tesco free from cheese range. I used to love their soya cheese and I got very upset and sent some angry tweets when they introduced their new coconut oil based range but it’s okay…I guess ๐Ÿ˜› I then top with my favourite veggies, usually mushroom and sweetcorn… and pineapple. Because pineapple DOES go on pizza ๐Ÿ˜›


When I’m just cooking for myself, like tonight, I tend not to make any sides as it’s too much for me but my boyfriend and I will often treat ourselves to the Tesco free from garlic bread (Tesco really does have the best free from range) or make sweet potato fries which I will put a new recipe up for soon.

Here’s my fun Eurovision playlist with the my favourites UK entries, past winners and some of the more obscure events in Eurovision histories. Enjoy!


24 Hours of EDS || a day in my life

Living with a chronic illness is a 24/7 job where you never get a day off. This video shows you a fairly typical day in my life. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is different for everyone so I wanted to share with you what EDS is like for me. I want to show you a real day without the frills of nice clothes or make up which usually get put on for the camera, so excuse the puffy eyes. I walk the dog, make lunch, talk to about trip to see a dogs purpose, play with my boyfriends Niece & Nephew, get my blue badge in the post, sleep, attempt to get up and take a trip to the doctor. Plus trying to deal with my EDS, POTS & Migraine symptoms. Hope you like this video and let me know in the comments if you’d like to see more videos in this style.

If you’ve enjoyed any of my videos, I’d love you to please subscribe to my channel ๐Ÿ™‚

#edsawarenessmonth #thisismyEDS

Living With Ehlers Danlos Syndrome #EDSAwarenessMonth

Happy May Everyone! You know what that means? It’s EDS Awareness Month! I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome last February and it’s been a long battle ever since. I started off by fighting the comorbities that come with EDS, for me that’s POTS and a CSF leak. These are now both under control with daily medications and after 4 surgeries, but my EDS is a huge problem as my joints, especially, seem to just be getting worse. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is such a rarely talked about condition that I knew it was really important to do my bit the #EDSAwarenessMonth !

This video has been a big project which I’ve been working on for a few weeks. I managed to cut 48 mins of video from 8 different people and turn it into a 18 minute video explaining, as honestly as possible, what its like to live with this rare, chronic, invisible illness.ย We talk about what EDS is to us, how we manage our symptoms, how EDS has changed our lives, why we started our own EDS based blog or vlog and our hopes and dreams for the future. We hope this is shared as much as possible this May as it is #EDSawarenessmonth so people can learn what it is really like to live with EDS but also to support those also living with the disease. I know it is long but please watch it all if you can. There are some amazing people describing some very difficult things in their own words. Despite the pain and fatigue involved in editing it all together this is a project I am very proud of and hope helps as many people as possible. Thank you so much for watching, I hope you learn and enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚


For more information on EDS please go to: EDS UK or Ehlers Danlos Societyย . Or you can take a look at my video: What is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?.

If you liked this video please subscribe to my channel ๐Ÿ™‚ You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who got involved with this video, Lucy, Laura, Lexy, Kari, Shelby, Claire and Robin this video couldnโ€™t have happened without you and it has meant a lot to me and each one of you is truly inspirational!

Here is all the information you need about everyone who was involved, in order of appearance. Be sure to follow their blogs and social media:

Lucy, 20, Oxford. Diagnosed hEDS in 2015. Follow her on Instagram.

Laura, 22, Lincoln/Sheffield. Diagnosed hEDS in 2016. She also lives with POTS. Follow her on Instagram.You can read her recent blog post about the benefits of exercise here: Laura is a 3rd year Biomedical science student, aspiring to work in genetics or astrophysiology. She is a former ballet dancer and last year completed an ultramarathon for EDS UK.

Kari, 24, Washington State. Diagnosed hEDS in 2016. Follow her on Instagram @chronicallyillbadass. She also lives with fibromyalgia, migraines, spinal stenosis and bipolar.

Shelby, 19, New York. Diagnosed hEDS in 2016. She also lives with POTS. Follow her on Instagram, Tumblr, Redbubble, and Youtube . Her gofundme campaign for her future service dog is coming soon.

Lexy, 25, Essex, Diagnosed hEDS 2015. You can find her blogs at: SuperGirlChronicallyIllSpoonie CentralHeaven Scent Bath and Beauty .ย She also suffers with Hyperadreanic POTS, Chiari Malformation, Scoliosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Cervical Cranial Instability and GERD.

Claire,47, Middlesex. Diagnosed hEDS 2012. She also lives with POTS and nerve root damage, IBD and migraines. She was medically retired as a hospice sister in 2010. She has 3 children aged 14,18 & 21. You can find her blog at here. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram

Robin, 35, London. Diagnosed hEDS 2015. He is interested in music, tennis, rugby, football, cooking, pop culture, languages and science. He is the Menโ€™s support group coordinator at Ehlers Danlos Support UK. You can find him on Twitter.

Lentil & Vegetable Bolognese

It’s been a very long time since I did a good old recipe post! Yesterday evening I had an awful headache and a lot of pain in my hip and wasn’t up to cooking the my lentil & vegetable bolognese I had planned because of the pain but my wonderful boyfriend offered to cook and managed pretty well but needed quite a bit of instruction so I thought I would share this recipe with you all as a quick and easy, yummy, vegan dinner that even my boyfriend, who is a novice cook, at best, can make.

Lentil & Vegetable Bolognese

Takes: 20mins

Makes: 4 portions

Cost per serve: ยฃ1.05


  • 400g Brown Rice Pasta (100g per person)
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 carrots
  • half a red pepper
  • half a courgette
  • 6-8 button mushrooms
  • 1 tin of green lentils
  • 6 sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1tsp turmeric
  • 1tsp tamari
  • 3tsp smoked paprika
  • 1tsp mixed herbs
  • 1 tbsp tomato puree
  • 400g passata
  • 2tbsp nutritional yeast (Optional but yummy)
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the veg. Chop the onion, mince the garlic, grate the carrots, chop the mushrooms, courgette, pepper and sun-dried tomatoes into bite-sized chunks.
  2. Begin to cook the pasta, as per the instructions on the packet.
  3. Heat a little oil in a large saucepan and add the onion and garlic.
  4. Once the onion has become translucent add the carrots and courgette followed by the mushrooms and pepper. Cook 2 minutes.
  5. Then add the turmeric, paprika, herbs and sun-dried tomatoes and stir in.
  6. Add the passata and tamari coating all the vegetables and let simmer for a few minutes.
  7. Stir in the lentils before adding the tomato puree and nutritional yeast. Let it simmer, stirring throughout until all warmed through.
  8. Drain your pasta and place it in your serving bowl.
  9. Top with your bolognese mixture, serve, top with some more nutritional yeast or vegan cheese and enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Surviving Events with a Chronic Illness


#EDSAwarenessMonth Project

Hi guys! It has been a super busy week for me with a wedding, Easter, working & a neurology appointment plus I’ve been struck down with an awful cold so, unfortunately, I’m not feeling great and haven’t been able to put out a proper video for today. I hope I can tell you all about my latest adventures soon but for now I wanted to let you know that next month (May) is EDS Awareness Month (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) and I’ve been planning a video project to spread some awareness and would like to get as many sufferers involved as possible. If you or someone you know has EDS, any type, anywhere in the world, please get in touch by emailing me at!

Look forward to sharing it with you when it’s done ๐Ÿ™‚


5 Top Tips for Living With POTS!

New video with my Top 5 tips for living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome! Please subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos about my chronic illnesses. Have a happy Easter everybody ๐Ÿ™‚ Spoons & Love xxx


What is POTS?

New Video all about Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) which also shows you how to do a poor man’s tilt table test. You can subscribe to my youtube channel Here.


What is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?

Today has been a bit of a stressful one. I’ve had to call lots of different medical people and am waiting to here back from my GP. I’ve had to sort authorisation for a follow up with my Neurologist, my referral for an ultrasound after a funny blood reading about my liver having disappeared somewhere between my GP & the hospital and trying to get some money back as I realised I’ve been paying two prescription pre-payment certificates for the last 6 months! Hopefully it’ll all be resolved but it’s been exhausting. I hate making phone calls as it makes me quite anxious, especially when it comes to my health. But I did it and I’m actually quite proud of myself.

Having EDS makes me exhausted enough as it is without all this going on too. I made a little video last week explaining a little more about what EDS is and how it effects me on a daily basis. Would love it if you could subscribe to my youtube channel.


CSF Leak: My Blood Patch Experience

New video which shows the recovery from my most recent blood patch. Every Blood Patch experience is different and trying to manage having one every month whilst trying to fight my other chronic illnesses has been pretty difficult for me. It’s been 2 weeks since my op and I’m still really struggling. This video was filmed whilst I was in hospital and during the first few days of recovery and I was in pain and uncomfortable, so I hope it is a really honest portrayal of the pain I’m in and don’t often show. As I sit here now, having had an awful headache all day, It’s also been a very frustrating experience but with positives and negatives. See how I got on following my surgery and if you like my videos please subscribe to my Youtube channel.

You can also see my Pre-Op Video Here.
