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RNOH Rehab

Chronically Jenni submark - wheelchair user wearing a crown in pink circle
Chronically Jenni submark - wheelchair user wearing a crown in purple circle
Chronically Jenni submark - wheelchair user wearing a crown in purple circle

Head over to my Youtube Channel to catch up on my weekly vlogs including my 3 week pain management rehabilitation programme under RNOH at Stanmore. I will be putting together a video about everything I learned there very soon so make sure you’re subscribed so you get the updates first.

Also, if you’ve ever wondered what a gluten, lactose and refined sugar intolerant vegetarian actually eats check out my new post over on Chronic Illness Bloggers here!

Jenni sitting on her bed wearing zebra pjs. She has her arm on her brown haired dog. She is smiling and looking at the camera.

About Me

Chronically Jenni is a dynamic disabled content creator, model, and public speaker dedicated to raising awareness about chronic illness, disability, and mental health.

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