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POTS Hacks

If you’re living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), these hacks can help reduce symptoms and improve daily functioning.

A shower stool, resting in a bath with a gran rail nearby

Shower Stool

A stool for the shower can help reduce heat and standing triggers, providing a more comfortable bathing experience.

A white saddle stool sitting in a kitchen

Wheelie saddle stool

Perfect for the kitchen, this stool allows mobility while reducing strain during cooking and other activities.

Vitassium supplements being held close to the camera, including electrolyte fastchews and salts.


Essential for those with POTS, electrolytes help maintain hydration and regulate blood pressure. Vitassium Fast Chews are my favourite

Jenni using various cooling aids to stay cool on a hot day.

Cooling Gadgets

Combat heat triggers with cooling tools like a headache headband or ice roller.

Jenni holding gin gins up close to the camera

Gin gins

Ginger hard candy or chews that help alleviate nausea, a common POTS symptom.

Jenni sat on a bed, holding a 'Visible' box. She is wearing a Chronically Jenni T-shirt and her hair is in part braids.

Visible Armband & App

Track tachycardia and identify activities that exacerbate symptoms with this helpful tool.

An overheads shot of two clenched fists

Calf Pumps & Fist Clenches

Performing these exercises increases blood flow before standing, reducing dizziness and blood pooling.

Two plates sitting on a counter

Smaller Meals More Frequently

Eating smaller meals throughout the day can help prevent digestive issues caused by blood pooling in the stomach.

Jenni holding a glass in her left hand, smiling at the camera.


Drinking 2-3 Liters of water daily is crucial for managing POTS symptoms and staying hydrated.

Jenni pulling on floral compression socks

Compression socks

Compression socks support blood circulation and reduce pooling, making them essential for POTS sufferers.

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