So I realised today, as I prepare myself for another night enjoying Graham Norton making fun of Europe…and probably Australia for the first time since Brexit (i.e we will get even less points than usual), that is has been a whole year since I started this blog! That was right back at the start of my gluten free, dairy free, sugar free journey and since then I have learnt a huge amount about the food I eat and vastly improved my recipes! I’ve also got a little lazy, well realistic, as I have not attempted to make mt own pizza base since. So I thought I would do an updated version for you and get out the old Eurovision playlist out so you can sing along and get prepared for my favourite guilty pleasure.

In terms of a pizza base I used to use Tesco free from Pizza base but I’m not sure they do them anymore. Since then I have found Schar pizza bases which are gluten free and vegan. Like most gluten free products they do crack a little as they cook but they are really tasty.
Here is a much better recipe for a tomato sauce to to the pizza base:
- 1tsp garam massala
- 2tsp smoked paprika
- 1tsp basil or italian herbs
- 4tbsp tomato puree
- 1tsp tamari
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1tsp lemon juice
- salt & pepper
It’s so simple just put all that in a bowl and mix it into a smooth paste and spread over your pizza base.
I still sometimes top my pizza with nutritional yeast but most of the time I now use Tesco free from cheese range. I used to love their soya cheese and I got very upset and sent some angry tweets when they introduced their new coconut oil based range but it’s okay…I guess 😛 I then top with my favourite veggies, usually mushroom and sweetcorn… and pineapple. Because pineapple DOES go on pizza 😛
When I’m just cooking for myself, like tonight, I tend not to make any sides as it’s too much for me but my boyfriend and I will often treat ourselves to the Tesco free from garlic bread (Tesco really does have the best free from range) or make sweet potato fries which I will put a new recipe up for soon.