Spreading Awareness & Helping Others with EDS & POTS
Here’s my latest vlog all about getting my new automatic car and heading back to work and a form of normality after a few crazy months. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhgIgQzaiBQ] If you’d like to support my content please click here for a Audible Audiobooks Free… Continue Reading “Chronic Illness Weekly: New Car & Back to Work”
Dysautonomia Awareness Month may be over but Dysautonomia is something people have to live with every day of the year. I made a video last month with 4 other lovely ladies who were all brave enough to share their story about Living with POTS.… Continue Reading “Dysautonomia Awareness Month & Recent Vlogs”
Firstly, an apology that I’ve been so incredibly quiet on here lately. I’ve been so focused on getting some great videos out there for you guys that I have neglected my blog a little. But as I’ve said it I often so much easier… Continue Reading “My Invisible Journey – One Chronic Year On!”
Bit of a different video for me. I recently became an Avon rep and wanted to share some of their awesome products with you. Let me know what you think! For all my zebras, I’m still selling Zebra PJs & Slippers and am donating… Continue Reading “Avon Haul”
The Lovely Georgina over at Georgina’s Journey tagged me to do the TMI tag so I could tell you all a little more about myself outside of my Chronic Illnesses. So here’s me answering 50 questions so you can found out some facts about… Continue Reading “TMI Tag!”
The thought of heading back to uni in September has been extremely daunting for me. I struggle every day with my EDS & POTS whilst not doing very much and with so much help from my amazing mum! How will I cope on my… Continue Reading “A Trip To Norwich”
Living with a chronic illness is a 24/7 job where you never get a day off. This video shows you a fairly typical day in my life. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is different for everyone so I wanted to share with you what EDS is… Continue Reading “24 Hours of EDS || a day in my life”
Happy May Everyone! You know what that means? It’s EDS Awareness Month! I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome last February and it’s been a long battle ever since. I started off by fighting the comorbities that come with EDS, for me that’s POTS… Continue Reading “Living With Ehlers Danlos Syndrome #EDSAwarenessMonth”
I have realised that I talk quite a lot about my Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) & Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) but I tend to leave out my Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak (CSF leak), which is funny because it was my bad headaches that started… Continue Reading “CSF Leak: Blood Patch Surgery”
In my blog post all about 2016 I sneakily left out one of my New Years Resolutions for 2017. I left it out, firstly, because I didn’t know if I’d ever get round to doing it and didn’t want to break a resolution but… Continue Reading “My Secret Resolution”