Tag: video

Dysautonomia Awareness Month & Recent Vlogs

Dysautonomia Awareness Month may be over but Dysautonomia is something people have to live with every day of the year. I made a video last month with 4 other lovely ladies who were all brave enough to share their story about Living with POTS.… Continue Reading “Dysautonomia Awareness Month & Recent Vlogs”

24 Hours of EDS || a day in my life

Living with a chronic illness is a 24/7 job where you never get a day off. This video shows you a fairly typical day in my life. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is different for everyone so I wanted to share with you what EDS is… Continue Reading “24 Hours of EDS || a day in my life”

Living With Ehlers Danlos Syndrome #EDSAwarenessMonth

Happy May Everyone! You know what that means? It’s EDS Awareness Month! I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome last February and it’s been a long battle ever since. I started off by fighting the comorbities that come with EDS, for me that’s POTS… Continue Reading “Living With Ehlers Danlos Syndrome #EDSAwarenessMonth”

5 Top Tips for Living With POTS!

New video with my Top 5 tips for living with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome! Please subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos about my chronic illnesses. Have a happy Easter everybody 🙂 Spoons & Love xxx [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCboKmTy3P4]

What is POTS?

New Video all about Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) which also shows you how to do a poor man’s tilt table test. You can subscribe to my youtube channel Here. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txH9mPQ1I7A]

What is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?

Today has been a bit of a stressful one. I’ve had to call lots of different medical people and am waiting to here back from my GP. I’ve had to sort authorisation for a follow up with my Neurologist, my referral for an ultrasound… Continue Reading “What is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome?”

CSF Leak: My Blood Patch Experience

New video which shows the recovery from my most recent blood patch. Every Blood Patch experience is different and trying to manage having one every month whilst trying to fight my other chronic illnesses has been pretty difficult for me. It’s been 2 weeks… Continue Reading “CSF Leak: My Blood Patch Experience”

CSF Leak: Blood Patch Surgery

I have realised that I talk quite a lot about my Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) & Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) but I tend to leave out my Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak (CSF leak), which is funny because it was my bad headaches that started… Continue Reading “CSF Leak: Blood Patch Surgery”