Tag: Vegan

Gluten Free, Vegan Strawberry & Banana Pancakes

So, It’s been a while! But now I’m home from uni I want to go back to the roots of this blog and post more regularly. I will still be uploading weekly vlogs on my Youtube channel but I want to make more videos,… Continue Reading “Gluten Free, Vegan Strawberry & Banana Pancakes”

A Trip To Norwich

The thought of heading back to uni in September has been extremely daunting for me. I struggle every day with my EDS & POTS whilst not doing very much and with so much help from my amazing mum! How will I cope on my… Continue Reading “A Trip To Norwich”

Eurovision NEEDS Pizza || Mark 2

So I realised today, as I prepare myself for another night enjoying Graham Norton making fun of Europe…and probably Australia for the first time since Brexit (i.e we will get even less points than usual), that is has been a whole year since I… Continue Reading “Eurovision NEEDS Pizza || Mark 2”

Lentil & Vegetable Bolognese

It’s been a very long time since I did a good old recipe post! Yesterday evening I had an awful headache and a lot of pain in my hip and wasn’t up to cooking the my lentil & vegetable bolognese I had planned because… Continue Reading “Lentil & Vegetable Bolognese”

Simple Stitch Shortbread

I’ve been thinking about doing this recipe for a while as I used to be obsessed with biscuits and shortbread was my absolute favourite. I used to buy some Tesco everyday value shortbread and munch my way through the whole pack! When I was… Continue Reading “Simple Stitch Shortbread”

My Secret Resolution

In my blog post all about 2016 I sneakily left out one of my New Years Resolutions for 2017. I left it out, firstly, because I didn’t know if I’d ever get round to doing it  and didn’t want to break a resolution but… Continue Reading “My Secret Resolution”

Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies

‘We haven’t known each other for that long a time, and, um, there are three things that you should know about me. One, my friends are the most important thing in my life. Two, I never lie. And three, I make the best oatmeal… Continue Reading “Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies”

Cheeky Chickpeas

Again, I’m apologising for being so quiet but its been a long two or three weeks trying to sort my life (and my bedroom) out a bit. Quite a lot has been changing in my life the last few weeks; my work is totally… Continue Reading “Cheeky Chickpeas”

Gooey Chocolate Cookies

  Firstly, an apology for being a little quiet recently. I’ve got loads of awesome posts to share with you in my head but with a holiday, horrible cold and this horrendous heat wave in the last few weeks I’ve not been able to get… Continue Reading “Gooey Chocolate Cookies”


Doesn’t everyone love a good cupcake? Well the Alzheimer’s Society definitely think we do! Their new big fundraiser, in an attempt to defeat dementia, is #cupcakeday which is taking place across the country this Thursday (16/06/16). Now I heard about this a few weeks… Continue Reading “#CupcakeDay”