Tag: spoons

EDS Awareness Bundle Giveaway

Hey Guys! EDS awareness month may be over but for those living with the condition it is a never ending battle. So I’ve offered to team up with Hannah over at Sunshine & Spoons to help co-host an amazing giveaway she’s offering which includes… Continue Reading “EDS Awareness Bundle Giveaway”

#EDSAwarenessMonth Project

Hi guys! It has been a super busy week for me with a wedding, Easter, working & a neurology appointment plus I’ve been struck down with an awful cold so, unfortunately, I’m not feeling great and haven’t been able to put out a proper… Continue Reading “#EDSAwarenessMonth Project”

7 Things I only do because I have POTS/EDS! #Rarediseaseday

Here’s a video I did for Rare Disease Day (28/02). Sorry I’m a little late putting it up on here but it’s still worth a watch 🙂 Please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel 🙂 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdlsFdsahFE]