Spreading Awareness & Helping Others with EDS & POTS
The thought of heading back to uni in September has been extremely daunting for me. I struggle every day with my EDS & POTS whilst not doing very much and with so much help from my amazing mum! How will I cope on my… Continue Reading “A Trip To Norwich”
Happy May Everyone! You know what that means? It’s EDS Awareness Month! I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome last February and it’s been a long battle ever since. I started off by fighting the comorbities that come with EDS, for me that’s POTS… Continue Reading “Living With Ehlers Danlos Syndrome #EDSAwarenessMonth”
Here’s a video I did for Rare Disease Day (28/02). Sorry I’m a little late putting it up on here but it’s still worth a watch 🙂 Please Subscribe to my Youtube Channel 🙂 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdlsFdsahFE]
This is the 4th time I’ve sat down to try to write and finish this blog post! This has been a ridiculously busy time for me coming up for christmas, as it is for everyone, but I did all my christmas shopping, cards and… Continue Reading “Spoons for Christmas Please!”