Posted on October 18, 2019
by Chronically Jenni
‘You look so well’ It’s a phrase I absolutely dread hearing. The last time I remember hearing it was at my mum’s 60th birthday. Earlier in the day friends and neighbours may have spotted me leaving the house with my walker to get on… Continue Reading “Friday Thoughts: Invisible Disabilities Week”
Category: UncategorizedTags: chronic illness, chronically ill, disability, eds, ehlers-danlos, friday thoughts, Illness, invisible, invisible disabilities, invisible disabilities week, invisible illness, pain, pots, spoonie
Posted on November 1, 2017
by Chronically Jenni
Firstly, an apology that I’ve been so incredibly quiet on here lately. I’ve been so focused on getting some great videos out there for you guys that I have neglected my blog a little. But as I’ve said it I often so much easier… Continue Reading “My Invisible Journey – One Chronic Year On!”
Category: Illness, UncategorizedTags: blood patch, chronic fatigue, chronic illness, chronic migraine, chronic pain, csf leak, disability, eds, ehlers-danlos, ehlers-danlos syndrome, Illness, invisible, pain, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, pots, vlog, youtube
Posted on October 30, 2016
by Chronically Jenni
Wow, it’s been a while! My excuse for not having posted anything in such a long time was going to be that I haven’t been very well, but , of course, that’s a bit of a rubbish excuse, seen as, I wouldn’t have ever… Continue Reading “My Invisible Journey”
Category: Illness, UncategorizedTags: awareness, chronic, chronic illness, dairy free, disability, dysautonomia, eds, ehlers-danlos, ehlers-danlos syndrome, food, gluten free, hypermobility, Illness, invisible, physio, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, pots, refined sugar free