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National Dog Day: Molly & Me

Chronically Jenni submark - wheelchair user wearing a crown in pink circle
Chronically Jenni submark - wheelchair user wearing a crown in purple circle
Chronically Jenni submark - wheelchair user wearing a crown in purple circle

So I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while but so far haven’t been able to bring myself to do it. Purely, because this means that soon I’m going to have to say ‘see you later’ to my best pal!

But first some context: I always used to be scared of dogs! I never really knew anyone that had a dog when I was growing up and when a primary school friend’s Greyhound jumped up on my lap when I was about 6, I was completely put off! I had a lovely cat at my dad’s who I loved, so I was a cat person.

Jenni with her arm around a white, curly haired dog with brown eyes and a brown nose

As I got older I got much less scared of dogs. Today, I don’t know how I was ever scared of these beautiful, intelligent creatures, these days I say hello to some of the biggest dogs in the park. But I started seeing more smaller dogs and became happier around them. My Aunt got a frenchie followed by another one 3 years later and cute images of puppies all over the internet had me wanting a dog. I went to uni as was far too distracted to think about it again, until I got sick. My human friends began disappearing as I got sicker and eventually had to leave uni. And I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I started begging for a dog of my own but it happened. But my mum, who has never been into pets, would not budge. I constantly saw a mixture of adorable puppies and brilliant service dogs across my instagram feed and wanted in. Two Christmases ago, my mum made a discovery that she could live with and it was called Borrow My Doggy. Basically a website where, for £10 for the year, you can look after other peoples dogs whilst they were at work or on holiday. I signed up immediately and spent several months searching and sending messages but with no luck. It had got to March and I had given up looking and hoping, until one day when a lady messaged me saying she had a 5 month

old cockapoo who she had got as a Christmas present from her partner and spent everyday home alone whilst they were at work. This puppy was the most adorable, white, puffball I’d ever seen. So Mum and I went to meet them and I fell a little bit in love!

Molly was cheeky and, as yet, unhousetrained and there was a battle each morning to get her harness on without her chewing it to pieces, a problem which was eventually resolved with age, but we had each other. For me, she gave me purpose, something to do on the days I would’ve been doing nothing and would’ve stayed in bed and moped. She stopped me getting further stuck into the mess of deconditioning. She’s pretty much the reason I have any strength left in my legs. But for me, and Molly, it stopped our loneliness. We both had a new best pal that didn’t judge or care. We were just happy to have each other. She became my best friend.

She cheers me up whenever I feel down, we both love cuddles, often being my living teddy bear and keeps me active. We walk, we play, we go and meet everyone and anyone

at the park. I’ve had to feed her some very interesting things, Tripe being the most notable, I never want to have to smell that again! We’ve had adventures at the beach and had lots of fun with a hose and paddling pool in the garden. I spent the morning of my 21st birthday with her and my family. And she has visited my nans and kept her wonderful nature when my balinese baby cousin tried to sit on her 😛 I’ve watched her grow from a little, fluffy puppy to a beautiful adult dog. I know her quirks and charms, and to never let any kind of paper get within a inch of her. I’ve taught her bit and bobs along the way. I taught her to twirl and to high five, one afternoon I spent hours teaching her to roll over but she’s never been able to do it again 😛

We can communicate with each other even though we don’t speak the same language. She can seem to understand when I need a rest and will come a sit on my lap in the park despite other dogs being around. She has been a better friend to me than many of my own species. She may not have much of a choice but she is always pleased to see me when I come through the door. She kept me going. She’s kept me hungry to keep improving, after my operations I was longing to get up and get going so I could see Molly. 

Having looked after Molly for 18 months, I met a lady from a dog walking company and, because of the wonderful experience Molly has given me, got a little job walking and dog sitting on the side too. I’ve looked after Labrador crosses, frenchies, terriers and bichons. I’ve gained so much experience in looking after animals and working with owners. Though, I will never feel the same way about the other dogs I look after, It’s built my confidence and extended my love of animals even further.

I’m writing this as I realised this week, I only have 2 days left looking after Molly before I go back to uni. Her lovely owner has already said I’m always welcome to come back in the holidays but having looked after her 4 days a week for so long it will be weird not to go round most days. I’ll miss the hilarious text messages I exchange with her owner mostly about her toilet habits 😛 I will miss her a lot. She’s my comfort and my activity. She’s my best friend. I hate to think where I would be if we had never have met. As Molly will have others looking after her, I am sure I will find other dogs to borrow in Norwich if I can fit them round my schedule. But Molly will always have a special place in my heart as the beautiful puppy (she’s never really grown up to me) who kept me going through the most difficult time in my life.

Love you Molly Moo x

A huge thank you goes to Borrow My Doggy for being able to connect animal lovers to lonely pets. I highly recommend signing up whether you are an owner or a borrower. It has changed my life, kept me happy, kept me sane, and kept me as strong and well as I can be. Dogs are so loving a can be a great stress reliever giving you exercise and comfort. So even is you aren’t in a place, which I, if I’m honest, am not, to have you own dog you can gain a lot from it. My mental health has definitely been so much better with Molly around. And for owners who aren’t always around, not only are you making your dog happier, and often much less naughty, with some company, but giving someone a wonderful opportunity. I will forever be grateful to Molly’s owner, Michelle, for letting me borrow her!

It’s been Pawsome! <3

Jenni sitting on her bed wearing zebra pjs. She has her arm on her brown haired dog. She is smiling and looking at the camera.

About Me

Chronically Jenni is a dynamic disabled content creator, model, and public speaker dedicated to raising awareness about chronic illness, disability, and mental health.

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